emergence|emergences in English


[e'mer·gence || -dʒəns]

appearance, coming out, revelatio

Use "emergence|emergences" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emergence|emergences" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emergence|emergences", or refer to the context using the word "emergence|emergences" in the English Dictionary.

1. Cocklebur emergence is becoming unpredictable.

2. Birds witnessed the emergence of flowering plants.

3. Her emergence marks the beginning of spring.

4. Then, the evening emergence lasts half an hour.

5. Forbes's unexpected emergence points to intriguing tactical questions.

6. Figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in greece.

7. Addressing the emergence of non-scheduled substances/substitute chemicals;

8. The emergence of quantum effects on a macroscopic level.

9. Emergence Time: All Day In Montana, we call them Crawdads

10. In practice, Actuality films preceded the emergence of the documentary

11. The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy.

12. Cablese and the emergence of the telegraph revolutionized the written word

13. (eds) The Emergence of the Acheulean in East Africa and Beyond

14. Furthermore, it made the emergence of a countrywide nationalist movement possible.

15. Induction of and emergence from Cyclopropane anesthesia are usually rapid and smooth

16. Compaction of sand from people walking over nests can slow hatchling emergence.

17. Ever since the emergence of the modern state Tilly et al. 19

18. The annual competition has encouraged the emergence of several talented young musicians.

19. 15 Guard against revisionism, particularly the emergence revisionism at the party Centre.

20. The increasing prevalence of Childhood obesity is associated with emergence of comorbidit …

21. Inappropriate use of antimicrobial agents accelerates the emergence and dissemination of resistance.

22. So wait for soil to warm before applying pre-emergence Crabgrass control

23. Skip to a section: Broods Your Town Pre Emergence Signs MagiCicada Species

24. This demands the emergence onto the market of many new, active businesses.

25. The concept of disease emergence has important implications for each of these.